Project Members
Painter : Ms Yuki Murabayashi

photo by yoshida akihito
1986 Born in Hyogo Prefecture
2009 Graduated from Department of Information Design, Kyoto University of Art and Design
2011 Graduated with Master’s degree of Art culture, Kyoto University of Art and Design
Chief Priest : The Rev. Eisho Matsuyama
1948 Born in Gifu Prefecture
Graduated from the Faculty of Letters, Komazawa University
Trained at the seminary of Ryutaku-ji temple, Mishima city in Shizuoka Prefecture
Chief Priest of Taizo-in temple, Myoshinji School of Rinzai Sect
Director of General Affairs Department, the Headquarters of Myoshinji School
of Rinzai-sect
Deputy Priest : The Rev. Daiko Matsuyama

photo by yoshida akihito
1978 Born in Kyoto city
Graduated with Master’s degree of agriculture, Graduate School of Agricultural and
Life Sciences, Tokyo University
Trained at the seminary of Heirin-ji temple, Niiza city in Saitama Prefecture
Deputy Priest of Taizo-in temple, Myoshinji School of Rinzai Sect
Visit Japan Ambassador, Japan Tourism Agency
Director : Mr. Noboru Tsubaki
Contemporary Artist
Head of Department of Fine and Applied Arts, Kyoto University of Art and Design
1989 “Against Nature Exhibition”
1993 “Venice Biennial Aperto”
2001 “Yokohama Triennale”
2003 “UN Boy Exhibition”, Art Tower Mito
2005 “The wall-Stories Under OccupationⅡ”, Tokyo International Arts Festival “Residence, Massachusetts Institute of Technology ”
2009 “GOLD/WHITE/BLACK Exhibition”, The National Museum of Modern Arts, Kyoto
Ink stick : Boku-undo Co.,Ltd. (Nara city)
Chairman Mr. Shigenori Matsui
President and CEO Mr. Shigehiro Matsui
Managing Director Mr. Takanari Matsui
Ink stone, Paper : Sasagawa Bunrindo Co.,Ltd. (Nara city)
Managing Director Mr. Masayoshi Sasagawa笹川文林堂/
Ink Brush, Painting Brush : Nakasato Co.,Ltd. (Kyoto city)
Chairman Mr. Masaru Nakasato
Echizen Japanese Paper : Igarashi Seishi Co.Itd. (Echizen city, Fukui Pref.)
President Mr. Kozo Igarashi
HYOSO(HYOGU) Japanese scroll montings : Monobe Gasendo (Kyoto city, Kyoto Pref.)
President Mr.Toshihiko Monobe
Traditional handicraft technician of “Kyo-Hyogu”
(Ministry of International Trade and Industry) Mr. Yasunori Monobe
The pigments made from minerals : Nakagawa Gofun Enogu Co.Lfd. (Uji city, Kyoto Pref.)
President Mr. Haruo Nakagawa
Cooperators, Advisers :
Professor Shin Yamada, Japanese Painting Course, Department of Fine and Applied Arts, Kyoto University of Art and Design
Professor Yoshiaki Aoki, Japanese Painting Course, Department of Fine and Applied Arts, Kyoto University of Art and Design
Lecturer Yasunori Monobe, Japanese Painting Course, Department of Fine and Applied Arts, Kyoto University of Art and Design
Associate Professor Akinori Inui, Department of Art, Kyoto University of Art and Design
Mr. Kei Iwaizumi, Graduate student, Kyoto University of Art and Design Students, Kyoto Sangyo University
Non-fiction writer : Yuki Kondo

photo by yoshida akihito
Born in Tokyo in 1976. Left Japan in 2003 to head out for a journey to Australia, South East Asia, China and the Eurasian Continent with his wife while working as a journalist/reporter. Returned after 5 years to his home country, Japan in 2008. Works include “Yubokufufu” and “Chugoku de Oshirio Shujyutsu”, both published by Mishimasha, “Tabinideyou” published by Iwanami Shoten (Iwanami Junior Shinsho Series). Currently involved in writing non-fiction, sciences and essays and teaches part-time at Kyoto University of Art and Designs, Otani University. Lives in Kyoto.
I was strongly intrigued about this fusumae project when I had first found about it in the summer of 2011. I soon wished to be part of the project and began doing my reportage writings by observing many aspects of it. Not only taking part in the project as a member, I would like to make sure to see its process closely and precisely as a non-fiction writer.
Photographer : Akihito Yoshida

Born in Miyazaki in 1980. After having taught Japanese for a year in Thailand, continued to work at an elementary school for 6 years. Started a career in photography in 2010. Ever since then, works as a photographer based in Asia. Actively publishes works in magazines and conducts photo exhibitions, lecture meetings and special classroom teachings at elementary schools and universities. Current work: Epsite Gallery “Calico Factory Artisans Exhibition” (2011). Received Ueno Hikoma Award and Japan Photography Art Encouraged Prize in 2012.
I would like to capture how the painter, Yuki Murabayashi grows as a human being through this project in photos. For details, please visit
Promotion Video Producer: Mr. Moku Teraoka
1971 Born in Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture
Graduated from Nihon University College of Art (Major in Sculpture, Fine Arts)
Traveled in the Balkan Peninsula, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia with Mr. Bekim Sejranovic,
Bosnian Writer, and made a documentary film titled “From Tokyo to Moravia river”
2009 exhibited the paintings and the documentary film of the Balkans travel in Soho,
New York
Web Designer : atopia, Mr. Toshiyuki Kimura
1972 Born in Osaka Prefecture
Lecturer, Department of Space Design, Kyoto University of Art and Design